Monday, March 20, 2006

Counting Cash!

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End of Feb, at a mixer, was helping Sairee count the contributions, when it was pointed out that we look like a couple of "muneems". So we were given glasses to perch on the tips of  our noses and pose away. Fun time at an IHC eats joint!


(From my Archives)

On this fine and lovely morning
the view outside was pure elation
for, dripping down the treetops
I saw a rain of exclamation

Something shone in people's eyes
with a blink they sent me sparks
When I investigated those looks,
they turned out to be question marks

A little further down the road
"not another traffic jam, oh ma!"
Stuck between my brake and clutch
winking at me was a shiny comma

Free from the jam I zipped ahead
to not rush would've been a catastrophe
for, we the employees belong to the office
If you see it my way, we're like the apostrophe

Later in the day I met one more look
something that stopped my skip and hop
Standing there with glaring eyes was boss
armed with a threatening full stop!

© Smita Rajan
March 10 2006

Give Up, Girls!

(From my Archives)

I said to him, When I see you
I begin to drool
With passion he responded
Shut up, You fool!

I said, To be in your arms
is my heartiest wish
He looked me in the eye
deeply, and said, Rubbish!

Then I tried a different
line of approach, a trap
Spoke of souls and mates
and he said, What crap!

I fussed and I fumed
trying to draw his attention
but still on his radar
not even a blip, no mention!

What was a woman to do!
So I gave up and let it be.
The very next day he called
and said, Baby, let's have coffee!

© Smita Rajan
25th Feb 2006

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

On Tip Toes

Aching for love all along
craving all things nice
Taking risks, making moves
then paying their price

Waiting, wanting, thirsting
trying to read the signs
Sometimes accidentally even
triggering off the mines

Letting the world decide
that's how my life was spent
Movies, mags and others
defining what Love meant

Funny, how I never
listened to my heart
the very storehouse of Love
right from the start

Just when I gave up,
thinking Love meant only woes
that's when it walked right in
gently, on tip toes!

(c) Smita Rajan
13th Feb 2006